Houses for sale and rentals wanted in Polokwane
We offer the services of real estate agents now been called Property practitioners in all areas of Polokwane. Everyday is a good day to invest in real estate products as long as you stumble upon real information from real industrial players in the business. We are able to advice freely to people who are in need of residential properties for buying, selling or renting. We don’t use any complicated techniques or words to describe our activities. We use down to earth language and real time activities. We want properties in all areas of Polokwane, areas like Nirvana, Southern Gateway, Ivy park, Eduan park, Bendor, Flora park, Madiba park and all of Polokwane we are at your service.

We will now and then try to generalise the information we have so that you can be able to create and acquire wealth in the process. Let’s say your salary is R14 500 per month alone or jointly and you have no property under your name and/or where you stay there is no need to have another property, like staying in the villages, you can invest by buying properties in areas closer to town or in the city in order to rent them out so that you can have more financial muscle. We are open to guide and held your hands in travelling this financial tour to success.
And for those who has never owned properties and their monthly salaries doesn’t exceed R 22 000,00 they qualifies for government housing subsidy(FLISP) for all. This will help to lower your monthly bond repayment and/or to qualify for a bigger house. Lets join hands in building our families which will lead to better communities then greater nations.

We are happy to have you so far and we believe in interactions, that is why we have to keep it short and straight to the point. We wish you all the best in your quest for success. Lets talk properties.